Saturday, August 22, 2015

How to attract business tourists?

How to attract business tourists?

Today’s world of business is asking lot of traveling, business people have to travel long distances and to go to other countries and cities in order to meet their business partners and associates. The common characteristics of this group of traveler are:

  • they are looking for accommodation mostly for a day, maybe for 3-5 days,
  • they have higher budgets, and they are less concerned about costs
  • travels alone or with colleagues in the company
  • part of their work performed in spare time

For people involved in tourism it is important to recognize business tourists and attracts them. Airports, hotels, car rental agencies, restaurants adapt and extend its offer to business people.

Hotels have gone farthest. They have areas so-called "lounge bars" aimed for gathering and socializing of businessmen. Hotels with more stars have one or more meeting rooms, conference rooms equipped with the necessary equipment, Broadband fast internet and telephone or fax lines are on their disposal. Business tourists can choose whether they prefer to work in a hotel rooms or in the areas of special purpose.

Apartments for business people

Someone who saw their chance to attract this well paid guest are the owners of private apartments. These apartments are a solution for all requirements andneeds of businesspersons.

  • their renting is very flexible - for one to several nights, even several hours
  • apartments have access to the Internet and telephone. Some of them have computers, laptops, fax, scanner, printer and photocopier on disposal.
  • in apartments can be created and  organized a space for working and conducting business. Apartments are quiet, intimate, offers a pleasant atmosphere unhindered by crowds and noise, also there can be organized meetings in friendly and even familial environment.
  • Reservations and payment are very simple - company that sends the employee abroad can booked and paid by Internet or by some financial services as Western Union or Paypal
  • in the apartments can be arranged meals for one or more people. If the business people do not want to cook, the owner can hire catering service or restaurant.
  • parking places - Most of apartments provide parking space for their guests.

When the work is completed this visitors often want to go out and explore the city. For these tourists, apartment accommodation is a great solution. Unlike a hotel, here they have a large space, and everyone can undisturbed to attend to their work or entertainment.

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